23 January, 2017

Week 4:Fridge and Freezer

Monday: Read Organized Home Challenge #4: Fridge & Freezer. Done.

Tuesday: Declutter old food from refrigerator. Done - there was a bottle of salad dressing that had been in the fridge just a little bit too long, and half a glass of fruit juice.

Wednesday: Thorough cleaning of refrigerator. Done.

Thursday: Declutter front and top of refrigerator. Done.

Friday: Declutter freezer. This was done before Christmas, and is still looking mighty fine.

Saturday: Fill out freezer inventory. Not needed.

Sunday: Declutter top of kitchen cabinets. Can't be done until The Beloved is home. Even standing on the kitchen step ladders I can't reach the top of cabinets. However, I know there's two wine glasses and a load of dust to be decluttered. (The Beloved cleaned the top of the cabinets after dinner and disposed of the wine glasses.)

As this was such a simple set of tasks, I threw in 'deep clean the microwave'. It seemed to fit in with the theme.

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