06 September, 2020

Project Clean Up

My role is changing at work, and my hours are slowly getting longer. With this in mind, we (as a family) have chatted about changed needed at home. 

We're trialing a system where we all do one hour of cleaning and tidying at the weekend, and 15 minutes each days. The people who don't make dinner are responsible for washing up, drying the dishes and tidying the kitchen. Thankfully none of us are terribly messy cooks. 

The sitting room is looking so much better. The windows have been cleaned, the floor vacuumed/swept, everything dusted, my crafting stuff sorted, chairs cleaned of dog hairs, and the bin emptied. 

In the kitchen all appliances, apart from the kettle, microwave and coffee maker have been put away. The cooker cleaned, and also the work surfaces.  Dishes have been wash, dried and put away.

No area is perfect, but there is a significant improvement.