15 June, 2015

Chocolate Cream Cheese Muffins

Today's time in the kitchen was spent cleaning the cooker, hob and surfaces. There was also so indulgence in baking - chocolate muffins with a cream cheese icing, topped with strawberries.

The recipe is the same as the Chocolate Cheesecake Muffins, but instead of adding the cream cheese to the middle of the muffin, it was spooned on the top. Also the milk in the recipe was substituted for apple juice. Both versions are quite delightful.

01 June, 2015

IronMay Challenge: Finished!

During May a grand total of 2.4 miles was swum, 116 miles cycled, and 26.2 miles walked!  I have completed 1.01 of an IronMan spaced out over the month.  

Apparently there's people who do this within 17 hours!  My poor body is still rather tender, and just plain grumpy.  It is a lot of physical active activity.