17 June, 2017

What to buy for a decluttering minimalist?

What's a wanna-be minimalist to do at gift receiving times of the year? I like presents. I like gifts. And I don't want to do without them. But, I don't want to accumulate more stuff just because it's time to receive gifts.

My family makes extensive use of the Amazon wishlists. It's the first thing we do when Christmas or birthdays are approaching. It means the gift giver has a pretty decent idea of things the gift receiver might like. It cuts down on the 'what were they thinking' type of gift. However, it does require people to take the time to update their wishlist. This last task has been difficult for me, and doubly difficult now I'm really getting to grips with decluttering and being an intentional buyer.

Over the last few days I've been pondering this whole gift thing. The gifts I would most like to receive are either crafting materials or gift vouchers for craft shops. It's lovely to receive a gift. It's then lovely to create a crafty-thingy, and it's again lovely to give that crafty-thingy away. The gift is not the material object, but the chance to play with it and make it into something different.

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