28 June, 2017

The Same Message from More Than One Source

Over the last week I have been watching/listening to the Clutterbug, Cassandra Aarssen. She is a professional organiser, youtuber and prodcaster. Her central message is the same as so many others, clutter can't be organised, and 15 minutes of decluttering a day makes a huge difference.

Hearing the same message from different lips has reinforced to me that I need the constant 'drip, drip, drip' of encouragement and prodding. It keeps me focused on the goal (a tidy house where I can find things), and it keeps me feeling positive whilst I get to the goal.

A few years ago I was delighted when my bedroom was decluttered. Over time it became re-cluttered, and now it's decluttered again. Obviously, I don't have problems with decluttering, it's the maintenance I struggle with. The drip-feeding of encouragement helps me with the maintenance. Hearing it from more than once source, the same message in different words and in different voices, stops it from feeling like nagging.

And with that, I'm off to see if there's 21 items in my bedroom I can declutter. (There is.) I'm starting with the wardrobe, and then turning my attention t other areas. The key questions for clothing are: 'do I wear it' and 'do I love it'.

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