07 December, 2018

Enjoy the Sun, Eat Lunch Outside

The forecast says there's a storm coming in. Firework displays, lantern parades and the ferry have all been cancelled. I had anticipated the sun being in short supply too. But it's there, it's shining. the skies are blue and there's white fluffy clouds scudding about. I decided to have a late breakfast outside to enjoy it all.

However, it's early winter, and the temperature has been brought a bit lower by the wind. I was able to eat my bowl of cinnamon porridge with strawberries. The plan had been to finish a couple of knitted squares - weaving in the ends is a job that is best done soon after each square has been completed. A warming bowl of porridge is quite a different beast than weaving in ends. Defeat reared its chilly head, and I headed back inside.

Inside is wonderful. Inside is warm. Inside means I can look out at the sunshine and bright blue sky, and think, "I'm so glad I'm inside."

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