17 December, 2018

Don't Overthink

I have repeated been told 'You think too much.' My internal response has almost always been 'And you could do with giving thinking a go!' Some people are thinkers, others are do-ers, and most oscillate between the two at different times.

To be honest, I wasn't quite sure what people meant by the phrase "Don't overthink it." A little bit of Googling resulted in "When you think too much, instead of acting and doing things, you are overthinking. " I have a problem with the whole concept of 'thinking too much'. Brains are meant for thinking, that's what make us different from many other species. How can a brain 'think too much'?!  There's no such thing. I often think at the expense of acting and doing. However, it's the planning and prep that means when I do act, it's done well. For me, thinking and planning are far better than making a mess of things a few times before getting it right.

The article went on to say "When you analyze, comment and repeat the same thoughts over and again, instead of acting, you are overthinking." Ah ha! This I get, this I understand, this is a definition I can get behind. It makes sense. It's also something I'm already working on. Yup, I can do this.

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