24 May, 2017

Healthy Eating

My blood pressure was on the high side last time I saw my GP. Weight, exercise levels, genetics and the steroids I was on all are contributing to this. My GP decided to wait a little while and see if it lowers now I've been off the medication. 

I've taken the decision to be proactive about the situation. There's nothing I can do about my genetics. Iron May has helped address the exercise part, and I've been trying really hard to be good with food. One useful side effect of the medication was the only food I could really taste were vegetables, so my veggie intake increased greatly. This has been maintained, and I've added in fruit too. In the past 2 weeks, I've had one chocolate bar, no crisps, and three mouthfuls of 'full fat fizzy'. My salt consumption has decreased greatly as well.

Currently, I'm craving crisps. I want salt!  I'm desperately hoping the changes in my diet, combined with the exercise, will have brought some health benefits. Virtue, thy name is Maghouin; please let it also mean smaller numbers.

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