07 March, 2017

A search for Clarity

Unless the world is held at arm's length, it is a fuzzy place! 

My sight has deteriorated again. There is a 'sweet spot' at about an arm's length away from my eyes, but it not terribly sweet. I'm having problems reading small print, and doing close work.  Also I've a twitchy eye and that is so annoying!

Yesterday took me to the opticians and new glasses were ordered. The plan is that these ones are worn each and every day, and there's no task based switching. It was such a hassle switching all of the time that I simply didn't bother. It is to be hoped next Thursday will bring a great deal of clarity to my world. Scrub that, it will take time for my eyes and brain to get used to the new glasses. It is to be hoped the end of the month will bring clarity to my world.

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