15 May, 2023

Going-away Give-away

A lovely friend is moving away from this little island. They have decided to reverse decimation of stuff is required. At the weekend, they had a 'Going-away Give-away' event. The idea to reduce their accumulated goods to a 10th.

Let's just say it was distinctly weird going through their possessions and choosing what to take. However, there was a huge, huge smile on their face, and delight the amount of stuff they will have to take to charity shops, or dispose of has been reduced. It still felt odd, like picking over a corpse.

There's a pair of Moonintroll bookends sitting on my sideboard at home. It feels odd having two Moonintrolls though. I'm going to add a tiny bit of marabou trim to transform one into the Snorkmaiden.

When the lovely friend has flown back over the Atlantic, it's going to be good to have some items that will be a physical reminder, and what better than Moomins. 

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