01 March, 2020

March Goals

1. 'No buy Sundays'
2. finish pink 'kitty hat'
3. make a hat for the Beloved
4. finish Ducky Ducky Duck Duck quilt
5. 30 day wish list

Every so often I want to have a 'no buy month', and each time I have failed. Two things I have learned, 'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.' and if the task is too big, break it down into smaller chunks.

A month is too big, too hard, but I reckon I can manage 'no buy Sundays'. I shall practise this idea this month and see how I do. If it goes well, I'll add in a 'no non-essentials Mondays', and gradually build up.

The fifth item on the list is '30 day wish list'. I've done this before, and it was a great way of reducing impulse buys. If I want an item it is written on my list. If at the end of 30 days I still want it I can buy it. What happened last time was I would then take the time to find the best version I could rather than buying the first one I saw.

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