21 March, 2020

Log In, Then Shut Up and Write

We decided against having a face-to-face Shut Up and Write for the foreseeable future. Instead we are logging into a chat room, and writing in the comfort of our own homes.

This week, I picked up a book, "Get Creative", and it has exercises and activities to stimulate the imagination. Today I decided to design an avatar for myself. This lead me down a path of such contentment and joy.

My avatar is a cute little humanised bear (similar to an Ewok), who can grow at will into the size and strength of a mighty battlebear. 

I live in Scandinavia, in a small log cabin. Whilst it is a log cabin it is a techno log cabin, and is fully equipped with audio-visuals, internet etc. Primarily this is to ensure the happiness of my husband. He is not a bear, he just like computers.

As a bear, there aren't many clothes I wear, being already clothed in fur, but a colourful scarf is always in evidence, and I come equipped with a crafting utility belt/bandolier. 

My occupation is itinerant crafter and nature beautifier. This means I take monthly trips away from home to teach and demonstrate crafts, and create wonderful things at home. The rest of the time I'm outside beautifying nature. This can be planting trees, clearing underbrush and pathways in the woods, planting daffodils, bluebells and snowdrops, creating pretty patterns from stones, and growing veggies. 

The cabin has a large covered porch with plenty of space. There's a table with space eight people to sit comfortably. It's south facing, and has uninterrupted views. To the south east there's a sea inlet, and we look over to the land beyond. The south, south west, and west are just sea. 

The clearing in front of the house slopes gently down to a little cliff. Into the cliff is a set of stairs, and this leads to a beautiful sandy beach. Ava had free reign in the area, but only goes onto the beach and into the woods when she has company. The woods are extensive. Close to the house, it's fruit trees, apples, cherries and pears, as well as fruit bushes. Further in, there's native deciduous trees, and these then give way to conifers. 

By the side of the cabin. There is a wood workshop for the Beloved. He makes our plates, bowls, jugs, spoons and mugs. He also has a chainsaw. My ability to morph into a battlebear means it is very easy for the two of us to work together and remove the dead fall branches. This is used to heat the home in winter. 

My bear-ness keeps apex predators away, but does not frighten smaller mammals and birds. There's a few wild-ish ducks that keep the garden free of slugs and snails. They have an uneasy understanding with Ava.

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