10 March, 2020

Italian Taxing the Brain

After more than a month off, due to bereavement, a holiday, and the Beloved's recent bout of cellulitis, it was time to get back to Italian.

Anna had us take it in turn to name things in the house, and to fit them into a Scrabble-like grid system. It proved to be very tricky. In situations like that my brain freezes, and I forget everything. After we had enough words we had to write sentences using those words. 

I have decided I need to put in a lot more effort into my Italian, and actually do work outside of class. My goal is to become familiar with 30 house related words before class next week.

My first ten includes some new, some old: il tavolo (the table), la sedia (the chair), il divano (the sofa), il cuscino (the cushion), il telefono (the telephone), il televisore (the television), le scale (the stairs), la lampada (the lamp), il tappeto (the rug), and lo specchio (the mirror).

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