29 February, 2020

Hard Week

This last week has been rather hard. The Beloved came home from work on Friday rather exhausted. He was sent to bed for a pre-dinner nap. But the map didn't sort him out, and neither did a night's sleep.

On Saturday evening we saw the out of hours GP, and the Beloved was whisked off to the Emergency Department.

He was diagnosed with cellulitis (and not cellulite as my Mam misheard). After four hours his respiration, pulse and temperature was down to normal levels. It was at this point he was told they'd be keeping him in for a few days.

In the summer, I often see 4am, but usually it's from weakening after a refreshing night of sleep. It was so strange experiencing it from the opposite direction.

I was so tired, yet very much awake, and had no idea how I would sleep. I decided to simply lie down in bed and listen to an audiobook. Although I can't actually remember my head touching my pillow.

The next few days were spent either walking the dog, at work, or in hospital. At each visit I saw significant improvements, and he was discharged on Wednesday.

It was glorious on Thursday morning to hear the sounds of him breathing. It's a fantastic, comforting noise.

I had not realised how tiring all of this would be on me. Thursday and Friday were spent doing the bare minimum, and I'm still tired (as is the patient), but it's going.

Today will involve brownies, laundry and tidying the sitting room.

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