24 July, 2023

100 Days of Writing

Reflecting on 100 Days of Writing

It has been very hard to consistently write each and every day. There is a myth that goes around, do a task for 1 month, 2 months, or even 3 months, and it will become a habit. This might be true for neurotypical people, but for this neurospicy individual, it's has not become a habit. It is something I need to remind myself of every day, and it's always a conscious choice.

Most of the time it's been quite easy to find something to write about, whether it's a silly story I've made up, a family story, a new recipe, or new project. It's been easy to write the little nuggets, but much harder to write larger stories, ones that require lots of thought and planning. And, I'm fine with being a writer of nuggets, and mirthful moments. However, I would like at some point to write a book, and some longer stories.

There was one day I was unable to write due to illness. My perfectionism kicked in, and I thought the whole project was in tatters. Thankfully, I listened when I gave myself a stern talking to, and I extended myself the same grace as I would to someone who had missed a day on a project.

There have been other periods when I have missed a day or so, and have later gone back and filled in the missing days. 

I've learned I am not a habit former. I have also learned creativity comes in clumps, and it is highly influenced by my health, tiredness and stress.

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