18 July, 2018


Migraines utterly suck! 

Fluctuating hormone levels can bring on migraines in me, and also it can be a sign that I've been glutinated. This week, it's fluctuating hormones. This means I don't just get the standard migraine crap, but the 'weepies' too. At such times I feel such a burden on everyone, that I'm contributing nothing of value, and I just want to run away and hide under a rock. 

When this happens, there doesn't seem to be much I can do about it. Giving myself a stiff talking to is useless. Hug and kisses last for such a brief moment, and then the sadness and negative feels overwhelm again. Everything I think, everything I say, everything I do is wrong. (And yet, it isn't. It just feels that way.) 

It seems the only thing I can do is ride it out and wait for better days to come.

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