03 July, 2018

Days for Girls

Jenny James, a local volunteer for 'Days for Girls', was at Quilters tonight. She was speaking about the difference a period pack can make for adolescent girls.  Jenny brought with her a simple drawstring bag. Inside, there were two pairs of knickers, a wash cloth, a bar of soap, two ziplock bags, two waterproof shields and 8 absorbent liners. This little package makes a significant difference to many, many girls. The "kits don't look like traditional pads...and there's a reason for that. The bright colors camouflage staining. The absorbent liners unfold to look like a washcloth, which allows women to wash and dry them outside in the sun without causing embarrassment. All of these design choices add up to a lasting, easy-to-care-for solution."

Before receiving the kits, many girls would miss out on school one week out of four because they didn't have any ways to manage their period blood flow. Typically when girls receive the kits their school attendance rate increases greatly, and also the length of time they remain in school. 

Education of girls makes a huge difference to the individuals, but also the societies in which they live. UNICEF has a fantastic article, Education empowers girls to change the world

The kit lasts between 2 - 4 years, and it one of the most environmentally friendly period solutions.

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