23 March, 2018

Ending Door-step Deliveries

The milkman used be to a very common sight in many parts of the world, and over the years door-step deliveries have died off. On the Isle of Man, we still have these deliveries, and a wonderful service it is. So many things can be delivered; it's not just milk. However, I've just mailed the Isle of Man Creamery to say we don't need the service any more. This saddens me, and I do hope the service continues.

My consumption of dairy products has decreased dramatically. Lactose is not my friend. I've been finding other ways to cook rather than using milk. My tea is now Earl Grey with lemon. For a fish pie, I'll poach the fish in a chicken or veggie stock, and then add in lactose-free cream cheese for colour, taste and thickening. 

We will continue to use Manx milk, butter and cheese, as well as many other Manx products. The quality is very high, and the food-miles are fantastically low.

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