26 April, 2020

Love Like A Penguin

This wonderful image is from Tobias Baumgaertner. He spent three fully nights with the penguin colony, and was unable to use any lights. He writes:
"During times like this the truly lucky ones are those that can be with person/people they love most. I captured this moment about a year ago. These two Fairy penguins poised upon a rock overlooking the Melbourne skyline were standing there for hours, flipper in flipper, watching the sparking lights of the skyline and ocean. A volunteer approached me, and told me the while one was an elderly lady who had lost her partner, and apparently so did the younger male to the left. Since then, they meet regularly comforting each other, and standing together for hours watching the dancing lights of the nearby city."

It is a beautiful picture, and a beautiful story - two creatures reaching out and comforting each other.

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