03 April, 2018

Kitchen Declutter

The kitchen declutter continues. The drawer containing seeds, nuts and dried fruit has been decluttered and tidied. The tea towel drawer has been tidied (nothing to declutter), and also the drawer with food wraps, cling film, foil etc.

There are two more drawers to go. Both have cake decorating things in them. Then it's on to the cupboards and pantry.

There's been a new addition to the kitchen, a nesting set of three stainless steel bowls, with lids. The smaller two fit very nicely onto the same shelf in the fridge. One currently has stock with chunks of chicken and veggies for the dog, and the other has some coleslaw left over from dinner. 

These bowls were bought to replace a set of plastic ones that were surrendering to the ravages of time and use. The old bowls will leave the house tomorrow. They would have been binned today, but it was raining and I didn't fancy a trek down a wet garden to dispose of the bowls. Instead they are by the back door, ready for a break in the weather.

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