23 January, 2019

Cake or Homework

L’orco ruggì “Dov’è il mio tributo?” “Il tributo?” sussurrò la donna. “IL MIO TRIBUTO! IO VOGLIO IL MIO TRIBUTO! Dove sono i verbi coniugati? Dove sono i tempi? Dove sono i compiti?”

La donna tremò di paura.“Sono stata occupata a riordinare la mia casa. Stavo lavorando i cappelli a maglia. E, ho fatto una torta. Una torta al limone.” L’orco ruggì, “La torta al limone sarà il mio tributo!”

“Ma, ho scritto la storia.” disse tranquillamente la donna. “La torta è meglio dei compiti.” L’orco mangiò la torta al limone. Tutto andava bene.


Anna, my tutor, set homework of writing a few paragraphs using different tenses. She was expecting diary entries, but that's not really my style. Instead, she received a story about an ogre demanding tribute. The 'tribute' is conjugated verbs, tenses and homework. The quivering woman replied she was busy tidying the house, knitting hats and making lemon cake. Apparently, lemon cake is better than homework. The orge ate the cake, and all was well. 

Anna read out my story, laughing as she did so. At the end, I reached into my bag and brought out lemon cake. This resulted in a howl of laughter. I do like it when my stories and cakes are appreciated.

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