12 May, 2020

Morse Step Two

To keep things simple, I'm going to start with the first six letters, E T I A N M.
E: .
T: -
I: ..
A: .-
N: -.
M: --

WordFinder list 103 words that can be spelt with the letters E T I A N M. Not all of these would be considered English words in other fields, eg one of the words is 'amnt'. This is either a contraction of 'amount', or it's a contraction (san apostrophe) of 'am not'. Either way, it's a useful little word to use in practise.

The two letter words that can be made from these first 6 letters are: aa, ai, am, an, at, em, en, et, in, it, ma, me, mi, na, ne, ta, te, and ti. I'm just trying to build up a few patterns, and getting used to the dots and dashes.

A useful website is Morse Code world.

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