23 August, 2018

Finger Update

The image above shows the wonder thing that is a Mepitel dressing. It's a thin film of holey silicon, and it doesn't stick to open wounds!  It's utterly brilliant.

When I first injured my finger, a dry gauze pad was placed over the top to keep it clean and stop blood dripping everywhere. The blood dried to the gauze, and when it was removed it was very painful. (I almost fainted.) The second dressing was a wet gauze and then a dry one, and all taped up. That was also rather painful when it was removed for inspection. However, from that point on, a little square of the Mepitel dressing was placed on top of the wound, and nothing has stuck. The holey silicon can remain in place for 14 days, and I have an extra pad. The finger is healing very nicely.

If ever I'm in a situation where I have an open wound, I shall be requesting this dressing. It makes it so much easier when the wound is being tended. I'm going to buy a few to add to our First Aid kits. They really are fantastic.

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