01 June, 2019

Dinner Guests

Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest? 

Raconteur polled 400 people, and gave them 3 votes each. They were asked who would be their fantasy dinner guests. The top six were: Mohandas Gandhi, JK Rowling, Winston Churchill, Marilyn Monroe, Barack Obama, and Beyoncé.

The Beloved and I have talked, and we would like to invite Stephen Fry, Tim Berners Lee, Ada Lovelace, and Margaret Hamilton. Three of them are/were pioneers in their fields in computing, and Stephen is a very early adopter of all things computery. It would be fascinating group of people to chat with.

I'd also love to have my daughter, Stitch, pop over for dinner. She lives in a different country, and we don't get to spend enough time together. It would be lovely to have her over.

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