13 July, 2021

Dyslexia and Shame


There are certain colour combinations, and also fonts that make reading very difficult for me. For a long time, it left me feeling stupid, and un-educated, a failure for not being able to read. Yes, I know it's crazy, but there are times when emotions don't correlate with knowledge.

This evening, I was looking at an image on facebook, and mentioned I couldn't read it. There was a busy image, with white text, blurring out into a black cloud. If I had taken some time, I could have worked it out, a cryptographical challenge, definitely not reading.

I asked what the text said, and mentioned I was dyslexic and couldn't read the font. The guy who posted it typed it out for me. The whole experience was great. I didn't feel like an idiot. This is a big step for me. I couldn't read it, and that wasn't because I was thick, but because the colours, and shapes made it too hard for me. It was all so matter of fact, and no shame was needed.  Shame!  That's the word. In the past, I have felt shame for not being able to read certain things. Looking back, I can't remember a single instance when someone has tried to shame me for being dyslexic, but I have, had, taken it upon myself to be ashamed when my poor little brain couldn't decipher text.

Here's hoping I don't try to shame myself again. I am a clever, educated person, a person with dyslexia. These things make me who I am. I am me.

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