23 October, 2018

Habits Are Hard to Break

After the success of yesterday’s experiment with ‘no phones, no internet and no television’, and the realisation that my problem was ‘faffing around on the internet’. I decided not to try a new thing, and not use the internet on weekday mornings.  (Standard ‘sensible clause’ should be added. If I need information, and it would not be sensible to wait until after lunch, then I can use the internet for that specific reason.)

This was all set in my mind, I  picked up my laptop to write a list of things I would like to accomplish today. That’s when my fingers betrayed me! They automatically took me to Facebook! That wasn’t the objective! This is going to be a hard habit to break. The intent is there, and I each time I notice an ‘oopsy’, I will rectify the situations and get back on task. So, write the list!

One of the items on the list is ‘knit three days of Doctor Who scarf’. It is the longest of the three scarves made for Doctor Who, and I wanted to have an idea of how many rows I would need to knit each day to finish the project in time for the Offspring’s birthday (28 rows). With illness and tooth-hurty stuff, I had fallen 10 days behind. Yesterday's activity meant I caught up by three days, and I’m hoping to do the same today.

To Do
knit three days of Doctor Who scarf
fold towels
put towels away
make dinner

Ta Da
make lunch for the Beloved
make breakfast for Ava
put away dishes
wash clothes
dry clothes
fold clothes
put away clothes
sweep bedroom floor
dust bedroom
wash towels
dry towels
a bit of weeding

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