07 September, 2018

Io Sono Vlad!

The story progresses!  

In Italian class last night, we were told to practise using the Passato Prosimmo, the Present Perfect tense. This is used for things that have happened, and have been completed. At its simplest, it's a noun or pronoun, the correct form of 'to be' or 'to have', and then the infinitive.  eg 'Io ho mangiare' and 'Io sono nata'. Most verbs takes 'to have', but we were asked to practise the ones that take 'to be', and we were warned about 'Io sono morta'. It has the flavour of 'I was dead, but I'm finished with being dead now.'

Naturally, this led my thoughts into vampiric pathways, and before I could concentrate on how to translate "I arrived at the cinema at 8.15pm" (Sono arrivata al cinema alle 20.15), I had started planning out a story about Vlad Dracula. Here's where I am at the moment. There's quite a bit more to add, but I'm rather liking it so far.


Salve, mi chiamo Vlad.

Tanto tempo fa, in diciembre millequartocentotrentuno, io sono nato, in Monti Carpazi, Romania. In millequartocentosettantasette, un pipistrello mi ha morso sul lato sinistro del collo. Poi, sono morto. Ora, io sono il morti viventi. Io sono il vampiro, il vampiro grande. Io sono Vlad Dracula!

Ho bevuto il vino porto scuro e ricco. Ora, a me piace bere il sangue, e odio l'aglio.

Gestisco l'hotel Transilvania, un hotel per i mostri, vampiri, fantasmi e licantropi. Abbiamo dodici camere da letto. Vuoi prenotare una stanza?

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