19 September, 2018

Breath of Life

Just before Easter last year, my breathing was radically compromised. Climbing a flight of stairs was a workout, and I needed to rest part way. I mis-understood what was happening, and as I wasn't wheezing, but coughing, I thought I had the cold. Things were getting worse, and my husband phone the doctor. The doctor had finished for the day, but on hearing what was happening, asked me to come in straight away. This lead to about three weeks on steroids and many visits back to the surgery to enable him to monitor me.

The steroids helped me so much, and enabled me to breathe again. However, they also made everything taste funny. Everything was unbearably sweet, but not chocolate or sugar sweet; it was saccharine sweet. The first thing to taste good again were veggies, followed by fruit, then protein, and lastly chocolate etc. One of the consequences of the steroids was we needed a new fridge, a bigger fridge, to house the all the veggies. 

Since starting on the Harcombe Diet, my intake of veggies has increased yet again. Yesterday I had beetroot leaves, carrots, garlic, cucumber, more carrots, sweet potato, onion, parsnip and leek. I did also have some green beans and broccoli out to add to dinner, but I forgot to cook them! Since the first of August, I've lost almost 9kg. I'm eating things I love, and I'm feeling great.

The chest infection back in April last year has led to a new lease of life and health for me. I'll loving it!

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