15 December, 2017

Ava Lovelace

On Sunday, we go to collect Ava Lovelace, the beautiful northern Inuit. She is coming to have a week-long home stay trial. We are all rather excited about this. The work to make the garden safe and secure for Ava has started in earnest.

Yesterday, work started in the garden. The guy who was meant to be removing garden rubbish, and the old sheds is now unable to do this due to van problems. As Ian the builder was inspecting the drains, I was tidying up some of the garden clutter, shoving greenery, old pots, etc into sturdy bags. Then it was on to moving the newer of the two sheds (all in bits), and working hard.  I manged to get swathes of the garden ready, and we then moved the old shed. He was delighted to hear the old shed will be remaining on site as they can use it to store stuff.

Then the gardener who created various piles at least four weeks ago came to remove his piles and pots. The stuff by the gate was removed, and he will come back another day to remove the rest. of the garden refuse. I'd given up on him returning. Hopefully he will really be back in a few days. If he's not been back by Monday I'll bag up the remaining rubbish and get it all transferred to the side where the rest of the rubbish is. 

The foundations for the new wall have been excavated. Currently, the old pillars are coming down and they will pour the foundations later. We need to have  chat about the planters/raised beds. My hope is the rubble from the pillars and the excavation soil can be used to provide drainage for the planters.

As Ian was working yesterday a couple of people say the piles and asked if certain items were going to be disposed of. Two sets of ladders, and various plant pots, and a chamber pot have all be taken. 

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