02 June, 2023

The Cat House

My friend, Cat, had to go to the UK for a few days, and asked if I could feed her cats. It's not a problem as we are neighbours.

Yesterday evening, after work, I entered the Cat House. A penta-clowder of cats monitored my arrival, and interrogated me as to where the Usual Human was. I explained I had been designated Replacement Human, and was here to feed them and let them out. This was deemed to be a satisfactory answer, but could I please get here a bit earlier and not keep them waiting in future.

The black cats, Susu, Owen and Monty were fed first, then Flame and Jinks. By the time Jink's food was placed down, Susu had finished hers and was trying to muscle in on Owen's. Poor Owen has been having a hard time with his health, and Replacement Human wanted to make sure he could have all of his dinner. A hand was placed between Susu and Owen's food. Susu was not impressed and tried to dodge around it a few times. 

After finding Replacement Human's hand particularly troublesome she tried to encroach on Monty's meal. Turns out Replacement Human has TWO HANDS!  This news was not well received and Susu made her way along to the next cat in line. Flame was rather vocal, and Susu decided it would be easier to deal with Owen, Monty and the two handed Replacement Human.

Jinks watched all of this aloofly. 

Then four of the five were allowed out to play. Jinks was not impressed that he was excluded. This is because Jinks is a big bully. He regularly beats up a local cat. A timeshare agreement for the outside has been entered into by the humans. The poor bullied cat is allowed up until 10pm, and Jinks is allowed out after 11pm.

This evening after dinner, Jinks demanded out. When this fell on uncaring ears, his demands became pitiful, and then it sounded like he was trying to talk. The message was, "I'm a big boy. I'm allowed to go out to play.  It's not fair the others can go out, but I can't." It was followed by, "The Usual Human is better. She and I go for evening walks. She loves me."


Update: Susu did not arrive back for breakfast, nor dinner for the following two days. Thankfully after Cat returned home so did Susu. She was ravenously hungry, and was allowed to eat her fill.

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