07 June, 2020

Strawberry Napoleon

It feels like cheating claiming this is a recipe, but it does go in the oven. There's cutting, sifting, whisking and baking. It's a recipe!

1 sheet of puff pastry (mine is Jus-Rol gluten-free)
250ml double cream
5ml vanilla extract
12 strawberries
icing sugar

Preheat the oven to 220C. Place the puff pastry on a baking sheet and cut into 12 pieces. Dock (or prick) the pastry to allow some of the steam to escape as it puffs up. Bake in the oven for 14 minutes, or until golden brown. Set aside to cool.

Whip the cream and vanilla extract until it forms soft peaks. Hull the strawberries, and slice them.

When the pastry has cooled layer up the Napoleons: pastry, cream, strawberries, a little cream, pastry, cream, strawberries, cream, pastry. Sift a little icing sugar over the top and serve.

This dish needs to be served immediately after layering up, otherwise the pastry will become soggy. It's a very simple, but elegant dish. Making mini Napoleons rather than the traditional large one means it is far easier to provide each person with a good looking dessert. 


The Offspring burst into the room and said "I thought you had taken a professional photograph from the internet and used it in your blog. I didn't realise this was the food you had made, and Cat photographed." A rather kind comment, especially as I know I could make a far slicker version of this dish.

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