01 July, 2024

July 2024 Goals

After a huge lull, I'm back to making goals for my life.

This month, I have a few goals:

1. to eat better

2. to declutter 10 items each day

3. to make 62 hexagons for my blanket

4. write or research every day.

Yesterday, I found a chapstick, and 9 items from my crafting space. The chapstick was put in the rubbish bin today, and the crafting items were taken to the shop this morning. This evening before dinner, I sorted out a tube of expired handcream, and 9 more crafting items. These will follow the same fate as the items I sourced yesterday.

Food-wise, lunch was leftover chicken risotto, and dinner was chicken and spinach pasta, a small jelly, and also some yogurt and granola. This is a huge improvement on yesterday.

No hexagons have been made, but writing has been perpetrated.

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