23 July, 2023

A tidy Bedroom

Back in February, I started putting together lists of the decluttering, cleaning and tidying tasks for each room in the house. Having a list on my Kindle meant it was a great deal easier for everyone. 

I didn't have to create a decluttering, cleaning and tidying list from scratch each time. The information was there for people to use, and it was no longer me asking people to do things. Each person could choose which tasks to do from the list in front of them.

This system was working really well, until life became very busy for me. Without me driving things forward people don't think to start using the list.

However, today the Beloved and I did a deep clean of the bedroom. As a result of the previous decluttering, and tidying, it was a huge deal easier to clean today.

I am loving how much simpler life is when we keep on top of tasks. 

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