27 December, 2018

Brioche Scarf

Yarn: Deramores Studio DK
Composition: 100% acrylic
Colour: Mist (70025)
Pattern: Brioche Scarf
Size: Adult
Needles: 4mm
Started: 23rd December 2018 
Finished:  27th December 2018

k - knit
p - purl
s1p - slip one stitch purlwise
kb - knit into the stitch below
kfb - knit into the front and back of the stitch
ssk - slip, slip, knit the two slipped stitches together
p2tog - purl two stitches together

Using 4mm needles, cast on 3 sts.

Set up rows
1. S1p, k1, kfb
2. S1p, kb, p, k

Repeat section
Work the following 4 rows until the scarf is 28st wide.
1. S1p, (kb, p) repeat to last stitch, kfb
2. S1p, (p, kb) repeat to last 2 stiches, p, k
3. S1p, (kb, p) repeat to last 2 stitches, kb, kfb

4. S1p, (kb, p) repeat to last stitch, k

Main section
S1, (kb,p) repeat to last 2 stitches, p, k.
Repeat this row until the work measures 25cm from the last of the increases.

Cable twist
Slip 14 sts onto a cable needle. S1p, (kb,p) to the last stitch of the stitches on the main needle, kb. Then knit the stitches from the cable needle, (p, kb) to last 2 stitches, p, k. (Note: This produces a huge cable twist, and it will not stay in place by itself. I decided to secure the twist by sewing large buttons to both sides.)

Repeat the main section until the work measures 85cm from the last of the increases.

Cable twist (as above)

Repeat the main section until the work measures 110cm from the last of the increases.

1. S1p, (kb, p) to last 3 stitches, ssk, k
2. S1p, (p, kb) to last 2 stitches, p. k
3. S1p, (kb, p) to last 3 stitches, p2tog, k
4. S1p, (kb, p) to last 2 stitches, p, k

Repeat these 4 rows until there are 4 stitches remaining on the needle, finishing with row 4. 

1. S1p, ssk, k
2. S1p, k2tog
3. P2tog

Cut the yarn, and draw it through the one remaining stitch. Weave in the ends. Sew on buttons to keep the cable twists in place.

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