01 April, 2018

Decluttering the Younger Offspring's Bedroom

One of my original April goals was to declutter my bedroom again, prior to painting it. This has been put on hold a little while as the Younger Offspring has agreed to me helping them declutter and organise their room.

One of the biggest problems is they have the ability to see how items can be useful, and this leads to the desire to keep everything! But keeping everything leads to a horrendously messy room, where nothing can be found. Through talking, I've learned the YO wants to be able to see their things, but for them to be organised. We have bought attractive storage boxes and after they have been filled we will label them. The goal is to find a home for all of their belongings.

We are making really swift progress. They are keeping far more than I would like, but enough is leaving to keep me happy. So far, we have done the entrance to the room (where the most of the shoes are kept), the desk, the sofa and the fire place. 

The sofa was a place to dump clothes. These are being washed, and when dried we'll fold and organise them on the dining room table. When the washing piles are much smaller, we'll go through them, working out what should be kept. YO has the final say in this matter. I can make suggestions and give reasons, but their's is the only one that counts. 

As we have been working, YO has been keeping a list of items they would like to buy. There's things like 'a shoe rack' on the list and 'new jeans'. When the room's finished and the clothing decluttered we'll look at the the list and check the items are still needed.

I'm delighted with the progress, and I'm hoping it will all be done by the end of the week so I can get on to my own room.

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