27 July, 2024

Lemon Crinkle Cookies

150g caster sugar
zest of 2 lemons
70g  butter
½ tsp vanilla bean paste (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)
2 medium eggs, room temperature
2 tbsp lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
240g plain gluten free flour blend (Doves Farm Free)
1 tsp baking powder

For rolling
100g granulated sugar
90g icing sugar

Add the sugar to a large bowl, and zest the lemons over the sugar. Combine well the sugar and zest.

Melt the butter, and add to the lemon sugar. Also add the vanilla, and whisk to combine. Add the eggs, and continue to whisk. Next, add the lemon juice.

Mix the flour and baking powder, and add to the wet ingredients, using a spatula until a smooth consistency is achieved. The mixture will look like a batter at this stage. Chill in the fridge for 2 hours (or even overnight). This will firm up the dough to a consistency that can be rolled.

Preheat the oven to 180ÂșC and line 2 large baking sheets with parchment/baking paper.

Each cookie is made by taking 1 tablespoon of dough, and forming it into a ball. Roll first in granulated sugar, then icing sugar until the dough has been cover. If the dough is sticky, coat hands in icing sugar. 

Place the cookies on the lined baking sheets, about 5cm apart. Bake for 8-10 minutes, on the middle shelf. The cookies are done when the cracks no longer look wet or shiny. The cookies will be very soft and delicate immediately out of the oven. Allow them to cool on the baking sheet for at least 10 minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.

25 July, 2024

Arm Exercises

1. Wall angels – 10 reps

Stand with your back against a wall and put the backs of your hands against the wall by your side. Maintaining contact with the wall, slowly slide your hands up the wall towards the ceiling, return to your side and repeat 10 times.

2. Incline press ups – 10 reps
With your hands on a bench/step/sofa, concentrate on lowering your body in a straight line. 

3. Knee tucks – 10 reps each side
While still in a press-up position, lift one foot and bring your knee up towards your chest. Return to starting position and repeat on opposite side.

4. Straight arm plank with shoulder touches – 10 reps each side
Still in the press-up position, widen your foot stance and squeeze in your torso holding a strong position, lift one palm off the floor and touch the opposite shoulder, return to starting position and repeat with the opposite hand.


I've no idea if I'll be able to do all of these exercises, but I'll give them a go. Protecting my shoulders against dislocation is a higher priority than pretty arms.

24 July, 2024

And Bingo was it's name-o


"Bingo Wings" - the wonderful name given to flabby upper arms. It is thought to be derived from when women wave their arms in the air when they call out in bingo. It's a rather derogatory term.

However, as a woman in her 50s, I definitely have them, and I don't want them. I feel my expectations are pretty fair; the chances of eliminating them altogether is absolutely tiny, but I should be able to do something to improve them. Therefore, I'm using my standby motto, 'Make it a bit better'.

To this end, I'm going to employ SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

S - I want to reduce my bingo wings
M - an reduction of 0.5cm
A - I hope it will be achievable in the time frame
R - There's a dress I want to fit into comfortably, and smaller wings would allow this
T - I'm initially using a date of the end of August.

I've no idea if that is realistic. But I can but try. If it isn't then the contingency is 3 months. There should be enough time in that to see some benefits.

15 July, 2024

July Declutter


13th - 15th of July

30 items of rubbish removed from Offspring's bedroom

12 July, 2024

July declutter


1 hot water bottle
4 cuddly toys
1 jacket
4 toiletry items

11 July, 2024

July Declutter

1 cookery book
1 pair of shoes
1 packet of biscuits
3 new spools of thread
4 partially used spools of thread

07 July, 2024

July Declutter

Eight items from the linen closet were decluttered, along with two items from the Offspring's bedroom.

I realised there's quite a number of rooms that have now been decluttered. Done so far are the front entrance hall, the bathroom, the shower room, the loo, and the back vestibule.  Although the back vestibule is where the charity donations and items to be disposed of at placed before they leave the house.

It's also rather lovely there's not much more to go in the bedroom. I don't think there's much to go in the kitchen either, but there's quite some organising to do in there.

The places that need most work are the dining room, the guest bedroom, and the Offspring's room.But for the moment, I'm just going to be happy five areas are decluttered, and everything has a place.


The hexagons for the Temperature Blanket now total 62. Only another 31 to do this month. If I keep up the pace of 2 hexagons per day I'll have to cut back to one per day in December. But, I can use the extra crochet time to start edging the hexagons and joining them together.